How Are Modern Technologies Changing the Approach to Patient Treatment?
The progress in genomic and cellular technologies, medical bioinformatics, and the active use of information technologies (IT) in medicine allowed to move on towards a new model of medical care based on a personalized approach to the patient. Transformation of the modern healthcare system is the main topic of the new issue of trendletters, produced as part of a joint project of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the UNESCO Futures Studies Chair (UNESCO Futures Literacy Chairs network).

HSE University and University of Technology Malaysia Launch Mirror Lab
HSE University in St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) have launched a mirror lab in social entrepreneurship. The agreement was signed in Kuala Lumpur on November 9 during a meeting of the Joint Russian-Malaysian Commission on Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation. The document was signed by Anna Tyshetskaya, Director of HSE University-St Petersburg, and Rosli Illias, UTM Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation.

HSE University Opens Educational Hub in APAC
On November 7, a representative office of HSE University opened in Indonesia. It is a new educational hub for students from the Asia-Pacific (APAC) who are planning to study in Russia, as well as for other Russian universities looking to establish ties with Indonesia. The representative office is based at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in the city of Surabaya. Its operations are supervised by the HSE University campus in St Petersburg.
HSE University-St Petersburg and Indian Institute of Management Indore Agree to Create Mirror Laboratory in the Sphere of Social and Environmental Responsibility
During a visit to the Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore) by a HSE University-St Petersburg delegation led by campus Director Anna Tyshetskaya, the two universities agreed to create a mirror laboratory in the sphere of environmental behaviour, social well-being, and responsibility management.

HSE University Strengthens Cooperation with Indian Universities
The development of communications is one of the topics of the annual global summit AICGS-2023 (Annual International Conference and Global Summit) which started on October 30 in Phagwara, India and welcomed HSE University as a participant.

‘Our University Pays Great Attention to Protecting Cultural and Historical Heritage’
The regional programme of the VI Heritage Youth Forum, co-organised by HSE University, has opened at Durasov House. The goal of the educational project by the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage is to engage undergraduates, graduate students, and young professionals in work to preserve and integrate cultural monuments into the modern urban space.

How to Develop and Maintain Individual Agency in Corporate Sector?
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published a new issue of the research digest. It presents the results of a review and analysis of scientific and expert sources and identifies key ‘requests’ and forms of corresponding ‘answers’ related to the support and development of proactivity in the corporate sector in the contemporary economy.

Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record
HSE University has announced the results of its 2023/24 online admissions campaign. The university, which leads in CIS countries in terms of the number of online programmes (three bachelor’s and 18 master’s), has once again attracted the most students this year with a total of 1,750 admissions.

Students of HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod and Privolzhsky Research Medical University to Develop Self-Care App
Students from HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod and Privolzhsky Research Medical University have received one million roubles in financial support for the development and testing of StressTouch, an innovative mobile application. The grant was allocated by the Innovation Promotion Foundation (Bortnik Foundation).

Russian Government and HSE University to Help with Digitalisation of African Countries
The Russian-African Competence Transfer Programme in the Field of Public Administration Digitalisation in African Countries, which is being implemented by HSE University's Centre for African Studies, will be partially state-financed. The subsidy will be provided by the Russian government in accordance with the corresponding order signed on September 21.