‘We Control the Flight of Small Spacecraft’: How HSE University Launches Satellites
Following the meeting with participants of the 3rd Young Scientists Congress, Russian President Vladimir Putin assigned the government to include the creation and launch of small spacecraft in a new national project. Universities will also be involved in the project. Dmitrii Abrameshin, Head of the Mission Control Centre at the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics at HSE University, spoke about the mechanism of small satellites and which satellites have already been launched by HSE University.
Student Esports in Russia: The Growing Popularity and Prospects of Phygital Sports
HSE University experts have found that 75.3% of male students play competitive online games at least several times a month. Among women, this hobby is much less common: only 20.2% of female students are interested in online games. The HSE News Service covers the results of an expert and analytical report, released by HSE specialists, on the development of student esports in Russian universities.
Electric Cars in Russia: Drivers of Development and Prospects for Implementation
The HSE Project and Academic Laboratory for Economic Journalism, the Digital Media and Promotion Office and the HSE Public Relations Office present the second issue of the information and analytical digest titled Russian Economy: Aspects of Global Transformation Shift (available in Russian). It focuses on the development of electric vehicles in Russia, including various aspects and key players of the industry.
HSE Researchers Contribute to Artificial Intelligence Journey Conference
The AI Journey international conference is a major platform for sharing cutting-edge innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In late November 2022, AIJ was once again hosted by Sber. The conference was attended by HSE researchers from the Faculty of Computer Science and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence.