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Adding Publications to the Database. Key Requirements and Frequently Asked Questions

Please add your publications here. To access the database, please use the login and password to your user profile on HSE site. If you need help, please contact your Personal Profile Page Coordinator or send a request to the Publication Verification Unit.

Please note that if you make updates to a publication that has already been added, the changes won’t appear immediately on the website.  The publication database is updated several times a day, so you must wait for a short period before the corrections appear on your personal page and in the publication database.

Before adding your publication, please consider the following requirements:

  1. Please complete the forms in accordance with the imprint: the name; the order of authors; the publishing house (don’t indicate the printing office).
  2. Please note that it is necessary to use the correct letter case. All text fields should be completed in normal case. Please don’t use Caps Lock for titles, keywords, and authors’ names. The only exception is abbreviations for the publication location or country (such as NY, USA). Of course, an abbreviation is acceptable if it is part of the title of a keyword.

Please don’t create doubles. If you have added a publication and can’t edit it, don’t make another entry; send us a request indicating the changes you need to make. If you have co-authors from HSE University, make sure they haven’t already added the publication in the database. If you are an author of a book chapter, please check whether this book has already been added to the database (in this case, simply add the chapter and attach it to the book).

Below, you’ll find the answers to the questions most frequently asked by authors.

If your problem is not listed, please send us a request, and we’ll try to help.

Why has the submitted publication not appeared on the staff member’s personal page?

1. Check whether the publication is active (its status is ‘ready’).

If the publication has been added with the note ‘on review’, it is not formally considered as a publication yet, so it is not displayed on the website (it remains in the personal account only).

2. When adding authors, you might have forgotten to add yourself. Check to ensure your name is on the publication form.

3. If you checked the box ‘Hide, but use in reports’, the publication won’t appear in the general database; it will only be visible on the personal page without an active link.

4. You might have forgotten to activate the publication, i.e., to change its status from ‘draft’ to ‘ready’.

What form should I use for my paper: ARTICLE or CHAPTER?

1. If your paper has been published in a journal (a periodical that usually has an ISSN), use the ARTICLE form to add the data.

2. If your paper has been published in a book (conference proceedings, collection of papers etc), use two forms to add the data: BOOK and CHAPTER. First, you need to describe the book: add the title (according to the imprint), editors, publishing house, place of publication, summary (of the book, not the chapter), and keywords. Save it. Then choose the CHAPTER form. Enter the title of the book in the search bar, find it, and select. Then, describe your paper: title, authors, page numbers, summary, and keywords.

Most books have an ISBN. It is usually indicated on the imprint page.

What should I do if can’t find the name of the journal/publishing house/place of publication when entering an article?

Rather than putting in the whole title, try to search for a particular word or words (try several combinations). This is particularly true for titles that use punctuation characters, such as colon, dash, or ampersand.

If the title uses an abbreviation, try expanding it and using the full form.

If the journal includes a series, search either for the journal title, or for the series title. If the journal/series is on our database, the interface will offer you the options.

If you are still unable to find the title you need, add it in the field below: ‘other journal’, ‘other publishing house’, ‘other place of publication’.

When entering the journal title, please make sure that it is really a journal rather than a book. If your paper has been published in a collection of papers (conference proceedings, monograph, textbook etc), please enter your publication using two forms: ‘book’ and ‘chapter’. If the forms are completed incorrectly, the publication won’t be verified.

What can I do to make the publication appear on the webpage of a research project?

All research projects are added by HSE Online Media staff to the database on a centralised basis. Before attaching the publication to a project, make sure it is on the database. After that, start editing the publication, find the line ‘If the publication is based on the results of an HSE project, please indicate this project here’, and find the project title using the search bar.

Please not that you can only choose one project. If you have previously used this publication to report on another project, you can’t change the projects.

Any of the publication authors or the person who adds it (such as the responsible department employee) can attach a project to the publication.

When should I tick the ‘in press’ or ‘on review’ boxes?

When you change the status of the publication from ‘draft’ to ‘ready’, additional boxes appear: you can tick the ‘on review’ box if the publication is on review before the decision to have it printed, or the ‘in press’ box if the publication has been approved for publication, but the book/journal/working paper hasn’t been published yet. If the publication has already been issued, don’t tick these boxes.

Publications with ‘in press’ or ‘on review’ notes are not forwarded to verification, and are not included in most reports and requests.

Please not that ‘in press’ doesn’t mean that the paper has been printed. It means that the publication has been approved for publication, but at the moment it is added to the database, it has not yet been published (this is applicable not only for printed, but for online publications as well).

The publication is added to the database, and the author doesn’t want it to appear on the website—only to use it for requests and reports. How can I do this?

There are several ways to hide a publication:

1. In the form, find the ‘Don’t display’ field and tick the ‘Hide, but use in reports’ box. In this case, the publication won’t appear on the database search, but will appear on the author’s personal page without a link.

2. If the author doesn’t want the publication to appear on their personal page, they need to enter their personal profile, choose the publication, and indicate whether or not to display the publication on the personal page: grey colour—‘don’t display’; blue—‘display’.

If the author doesn’t need the publication, it can be deleted. To do so, press the ‘cross’ sign in the upper part of the form. But please note: if the publication has been verified or included in a request/report, it can’t be deleted. In this case, you can change its status to ‘draft’.

Why can’t I edit the publication added by someone else?

A publication entry can be edited by the authors/editors from HSE that are indicated on the entry (in case their names are added correctly: in the ‘Authors from the HSE’ field), as well as the editor who added the publication to the database (even if they are not an author).

If you notice a publication on the website that has been added by someone else, and you are not added as an author or added incorrectly (for example, as an author from outside HSE), don’t create a double, but send us a request, and we’ll make the necessary changes.

How do I add a book cover to the publication description?

If you are adding a book or a working paper, you can add an image of the cover. The field to upload the cover appears when you tick the box ‘Are you planning to use this publication for HSE’s academic campaigns (applying for academic bonuses, research productivity assessment, etc)?’ If you are not going to participate in this type campaign, please untick this box after uploading the book cover file. The cover image will appear on the author’s list of publications in the description of the book/working paper.

Please note that the book cover file should be in png, jpg, gif, or svg format.

What should I do to send the publication for verification?

If you are going to use your publication for participation in academic campaigns, please tick the relevant box at the top of the form. In this case, you’ll need to enter additional information in the section ‘Identification’. Using this information, the staff of the verification unit will be able to make sure that the paper has been published and check the bibliographic data.

Learn more about verification here.


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