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Research & Expertise

Illustration for news: HSE University to Launch New Carbon Test Site

HSE University to Launch New Carbon Test Site

A new HSE-operated carbon project—the Pokrovsky agricultural carbon test site—will soon be launched in the Moscow, Kaluga and Kirov regions. Its main purpose is to monitor greenhouse gas flows in the respective ecosystems to assess their carbon balance. The project is expected to produce the first Russian prototype of a comprehensive monitoring framework for ecosystems in agroforestry-based carbon farming.

Illustration for news: HSE Researchers Contribute to Artificial Intelligence Journey Conference

HSE Researchers Contribute to Artificial Intelligence Journey Conference

The AI Journey international conference is a major platform for sharing cutting-edge innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In late November 2022, AIJ was once again hosted by Sber. The conference was attended by HSE researchers from the Faculty of Computer Science and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence.